Human Trafficking in Rural Areas (webinar)
Synopsis: A webinar that discusses the problem of human trafficking as it occurs in rural areas and some of the challenges--often similar...
"South Dakota leads nation with most life terms for trafficking"
Synopsis: “Since 2009, prosecutions through the office of Brendan Johnson, U.S. attorney for South Dakota, have put three traffickers in...
"Recourse for Trafficked Native Women in the Duluth Harbor"
Synopsis: Discussion of sex trafficking in Duluth. Click here to access the orginal article.
"The Reality of Living Near a 'Man Camp'"
Synopsis: Former Rosebud Sioux Tribe Police Chief, Grace Her Many Horses, took a temporary job working in the Bakken Region near Newtown,...
"Dark Side of Oil Development: Bakken Oil Boom Pumping Sexual Violence Into Fort Berthold Reser
Synopsis: The current Bakken oil boom has brought much economic prosperity to North Dakota and has lowered North Dakota's unemployment...
"Native American Boom Town"
Synopsis: A video that focuses on the oil boom in North Dakota and how it has brought organized crime, hard drugs, and other negative...
"Native School Girls Should Not Be for Sale on the Street"
Synopsis: "Buying and selling children shouldn't even be an issue in 21st centrua America, but it's a problem that endangers disaffected...
"Native American Women Are Being Sold into the Sex Trade on Ships Along Lake Superior"
Synopsis: An article covering the accounts of Native women, particularly from northern reservations, being trafficked across state,...
State of Alaska Task Force on the Crimes of Human Trafficking, Promoting Prostitution and Sex Traffi
Synopsis: A report issued by the State of Alaska Task Force on the Crimes of Human Trafficking, Promoting Prostitution and Sex...
"Violent assaults against women rose 168 percent in this North Dakota town--thanks to fracking&
Synopsis: Article based on an interview done by Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman with an activist from North Dakota reservation that has seen...