Upcoming Webinars and Trainings
Human Trafficking in Indian Country - Identify and Respond - Virtual | Tuesday, August 17th | 9:00am PT/10:00am MT/11:00am CT/12:00pm ET | 3 hours
Innovations HTC is a human rights organization working to eradicate sex and labor trafficking throughout the Nation. Our focus is on raising awareness to prevent human trafficking and ensuring that frontline professionals are trained to identify and effectively respond to trafficking victims.
Why is this workshop important to Tribal Communities and neighboring communities? Indian Country Today reports “Over the next few years, human trafficking will become one of the top three crimes against Native women.” Native people, are vulnerable to traffickers, but by raising awareness of human trafficking empowers stakeholders and community members to gain knowledge to be a part of the solution. Workshop participants will be educated and empowered to make a difference in their communities and in the lives of those affected by exploitation.
Working with LGBTQ+ Survivors of Human Trafficking | Thursday, August 19th | 11:00am PT/12:00pm MT/1:00pm CT/2:00pm ET | 90 minutes
This webinar will provide attendees with an overview of best practices when working with LGBTQ+ survivors. Presenters will cover outreach, wrap-around services, and case management, housing, and immigration services specifically available to LGBTQ+ survivors.
Register Here: https://freedomnetworkusa.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/freedomnetworkusa/event.jsp?event=59&
Symposium: Missing or Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives | September 14th-16th
In an effort to find lasting solutions to the public safety challenges Tribal communities encounter and to protect them from violence, abuse, and exploitation, a national symposium on missing or murdered indigenous persons (MMIP) related issues for federal, state, tribal and local stakeholders is being held September 14-16, 2021. This MMIP training is via webinar and will address important topics like data collection, victim advocacy, creating a community strategy for addressing missing persons, and working collaboratively across jurisdictions. The webinar is free.
Register Here: https://bit.ly/3AGpFUe
Ask an Expert Series: Human Trafficking and Vulnerable Populations | Wednesday, August 25th | 12:00pm PT/1:00pm MT/2:00pm CT/3:00pm ET | 1 hour
While there is no defining characteristic of a human trafficking victim, traffickers often target victims’ vulnerabilities such as lack of social support networks, financial or housing insecurity, or language differences. Some of the most vulnerable populations in the U.S. include communities of color, LGBTQIA, individuals with disabilities, undocumented immigrants, runaway and homeless youth, and low-income individuals.